Archive for the 'OTA in the news' Category

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If they build it, will you come?

By Darlene Cavalier | Science Cheerleader Blog | July 14, 2008

Darlene Cavalier, AKA “The Science Cheerleader”, released two new articles about the OTA. The first appeared last week in Science Progress, and argues the OTA should reopen, but with a twist. She says:

It is time to have a new OTA, but one with citizen participation. Scientists and Congress should trust the public’s capacity to learn, draw conclusions, and contribute. Invite the public to do more, and put a process in place so citizens and researchers can work together to impart sound policy advice to Congress. In short, they should help bridge the divide.

The second post appears today on the blog Science Cheerleader as a direct challenge to citizen scientists- “This question is for you (the public). If Congress opens an OTA with citizen inclusion, will you answer the call to participate?”

What About Congress?

By Michael Stebbins | The Scientist | April 2008

The author discusses the 2008 elections in the U.S. and reminds us of the role Congress plays in the development of science policy. He argues that eliminating OTA significantly hampered Congress’s ability to use sound science advice to craft federal policy.

Voters Want a Transparent Prez

Wisconsin State Journal editorial | March 15, 2008

The paper’s editorial board, as part of Sunshine Week, calls for transparency in government, especially among the candidates for president. This editorial mentions Hillary Clinton’s proposal to bring back the Office of Technology Assessment.

Science’s Political Invisibility

By Dan Greenberg | The Chronicle Review | March 9, 2008

An article about politics, science, and the 2008 presidential election. The elimination of the OTA in 1995 is cited as evidence of the decreasing influence of science in politics.

Update on Office of Technology Assessment

By Paul Blumenthal | June 11, 2007 | In Broad Daylight blog

An update on the legislative effort to re-fund OTA, circa 2007.

Reviving the Office of Technology Assessment

By Katy Makeig | October 2001 | Geotimes

Katy Makeig was a Congressional Science Fellow working in the Office of Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ). In this article she describes the legislative effort to bring back OTA. She says, “Some of the most technologically complex issues that have ever faced lawmakers are now before a body — the Congress of the United States — where less than 5 percent of the members have any scientific or technical training.”