Archive for the 'Blogging on OTA' Category

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Alert! Call on your Reps and Senators to Restore the Office of Technology Assessment

Nella Selim | DailyKos | December 2, 2008

A blog entry about restoring OTA says that, “…now is the crucial time for Congress to restore this agency and give Congress an independent view of science and technology rather than depending on industry scientists for science advice.”  It also conducts a poll, “Do you think the Office of Technology Assessment should be restored?”  To see the results click here.

Relics of Government Reforms Past

John Wonderlich | Sunlight Foundation Blog | November 11, 2008

A blog post says that “with so many options for coordinating or institutionalizing advice, recommendations, and reform, the incoming Obama administration has a long history to consider, and a plethora of options at hand.”  It mentions attempts to revive the  Office Of Technology Assessment, which is “sorely needed,” and the new FAS database of OTA reports.

The Future of Foresight under Obama

By Eric Meade | The Extreme Future | November 2008

A blog entry predicts that the new administration will have a new approach to the future and will revive the tradition of  government foresight.  It mentions several forward-looking programs from the 1970’s, including the Office of Technology Assessment, Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future, and a 1974 requirement of the House Select Committee on Committees that each standing committee undertake futures research and forecasting.

Electromagnetic Fields

By Curtis Petty | Active Rain | October 13, 2008

A real estate blog entry discusses “prudent avoidance” of  electric and magnetic fields and credits an  OTA report, Biological Effects of Power Frequency: Electric and Magnetic Field. This May 1989 background paper (p. 77) suggests several approaches to  risk assessment and regulation of electric and magnetic fields.

Value Free, Value Added

By Linda Garcia | Exploring Interdisciplinarity | September 14, 2008

This blog post discusses examples of how some political leaders have used “…the work of scientists to cloak private interests in what is ostensibly value free analysis.” What may be needed is more value added science, exemplified by OTA’s and the National Academy of Sciences’ work which is  “… the product of a dialogue among diverse actors–hard scientists, social scientists, and value based interests alike.”

Communicating Science to Congress-

The Office of Technology Assessment Got it Right (Sort Of)

By Philip H. | The Intersection | September 2, 2008

This blog post mentioned the OTA Archive and discussed some ideas about how to communicate science to Congress.  Referred to several OTA reports on issues that are still being debated:  a 1990 report, Replacing Gasoline: Alternative Fuels for Light Duty Vehicles and Preparing for an Uncertain Climate Volume I and Volume II published in 1993.