Monthly Archive for May, 2012

Science Questions for Candidates

Bora Zivkovic | Scientific American/Observations | May 23, 2012

The Scientific American recently asked its readers what questions they would like U. S. presidential candidates to answer, according to this blog post.  This survey is part of  The Citizens Agenda’s effort to have election coverage reflect  the interests of the citizens.

In summarizing his readers’ interests  Zivkovic said, “…all the questions are trying to get at this core issue: are the candidates reality-based?”

The largest number of questions submitted by Observations’ readers were about science education and the role of government in science.  Among many questions about funding for science education and research was one about OTA, “Will you support re-establishment of the Office of Technology Assessment to aid officials in proper evaluation of complex scientific issues? If not, why?”

Other science topics nominated for discussion are evolution and climate change.