Author Archive for admin

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Science Debate 2008- what do the candidates think about OTA?

CA greening blog | January 18, 2008

A post describing the effort to have a presidential science debate in 2008 (update 4/18/08 – it didn’t happen, at least not yet), and criticism for the Democratic Congress for their failure to revive OTA.

OTA on its way back?

Mailbucket correspondence about the attempt to bring back OTA.

Reviving the Office of Technology Assessment

By Katy Makeig | October 2001 | Geotimes

Katy Makeig was a Congressional Science Fellow working in the Office of Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ). In this article she describes the legislative effort to bring back OTA. She says, “Some of the most technologically complex issues that have ever faced lawmakers are now before a body — the Congress of the United States — where less than 5 percent of the members have any scientific or technical training.”

Bring Back the OTA – Bring Back Evidence Based Government

By Mark Hoofnagle | September 14, 2007 | Denialism blog

A post urging Congress to bring back the OTA.

New Reports from the U.K. Office of Science & Technology | By Denise Caruso | February 8, 2008

“The U.K.’s Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) functions something like the late lamented U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, killed off by Newt Gingrich back in the ’90s. They regularly publish brief but fairly comprehensive, interdisciplinary reports with cross-sector relevance on trends in science and technology.”

POST recently published three POSTnotes entitled “Ecological Networks“, “Smart Metering of Electricity and Gas” and “Autism“. The first two POSTnotes for 2008 were on “smart” materials and systems, and synthetic biology.”

To read the whole post, click here

Assessing – Health

American Chronicle | By Robert Baird | February 8, 2008

A 1978 OTA report is cited in this article about unnecessary medical procedures.