Archive for the 'Blogging on OTA' Category

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Bring Back the Office of Technology Assessment

by tangledwing | February 18, 2008

Another call to bring back OTA. The post has specific references to the article by Laura Kahn and a blog post from September 2007 by Mark Hoofnagle.

So Where is Science in 08?

Commentary on a debate held during the AAAS annual meeting, where representatives from the Clinton and Obama campaigns discussed science-related issues facing the next Administration. The possibility of reviving OTA came up during the debate.

Science Debate 2008- what do the candidates think about OTA?

CA greening blog | January 18, 2008

A post describing the effort to have a presidential science debate in 2008 (update 4/18/08 – it didn’t happen, at least not yet), and criticism for the Democratic Congress for their failure to revive OTA.

Bring Back the OTA – Bring Back Evidence Based Government

By Mark Hoofnagle | September 14, 2007 | Denialism blog

A post urging Congress to bring back the OTA.

New Reports from the U.K. Office of Science & Technology | By Denise Caruso | February 8, 2008

“The U.K.’s Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) functions something like the late lamented U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, killed off by Newt Gingrich back in the ’90s. They regularly publish brief but fairly comprehensive, interdisciplinary reports with cross-sector relevance on trends in science and technology.”

POST recently published three POSTnotes entitled “Ecological Networks“, “Smart Metering of Electricity and Gas” and “Autism“. The first two POSTnotes for 2008 were on “smart” materials and systems, and synthetic biology.”

To read the whole post, click here

Reading Notes on The Documentation of Congress

By John Wonderlich | January 27, 2008

The Open House Project works “to study how the House of Representatives currently integrates the Internet into its operations, and to suggest attainable reforms to promote public access to its work and members.” Click here for an analysis of a 1992 report on access to material produced for the House of Representatives. Apparently OTA had a partial program to allow citizen access to OTA reports. Anybody care to tell us more about how OTA reports were distributed to the public?