Archive for the 'Blogging on OTA' Category

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Petition Signing: Re-Opening the Office of Technology Assessment

By Bart Leahy | Rhetoric and Rockets blog | June 28, 2008

Mr. Leahy has a new post all about the OTA. In it, he mentions the work of the Science Cheerleader and her efforts to bring back OTA with input from the public. He goes on to mention a number of OTA reports of personal interest, and then discusses his own ideas about OTA.

Mrs. Booth and Desk Top Publishing

Bloggie Doggie Blog | June 27, 2008

The author discusses methods of communication in schools and considers how people might communicate in the future. In the post, this 1990 OTA report, Critical Connections: Communication for the Future, is mentioned.

Ok Skeptics: What’s Next? Immodest Proposals For Political Activism

The Bad Idea Blog | June 15, 2008

The author discusses specific policy issues that might unite skeptics. Before launching into an extended discussion of education policy, he puts in a endorsement of the OTA, “I think most of us could, for instance, get behind a proposal to bring back the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), which used to helpfully advise Congress on all sorts of complex scientific issues that Congressman and their staffs, rarely have much depth of knowledge about.”

Decades Old Promise

By Doctor 3.0 | Doctor 3.0 blog | May 29, 2008

The author praises OTA for being “clearly ahead of their time”. A 1977 OTA report is cited about the use of information technology in medicine.

When Technology Betrays Us

By Science Cheerleader | blog | May 20, 2008

A blog post about technology, an out-of-control cell phone, privacy, and security. The author references this 1994 OTA report on “Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments“. She also finds this 1995 issue update, which apparently never developed into a full report since OTA was in the process of being de-funded. Science Cheerleader continues to be among those in the blogosphere leading the push to bring back OTA, and you can read more about her ideas here.

The Ethics of “CAM” Trials: Gonzo (Part III)

By Kimball Atwood | Science-Based Medicine Blog | April 11, 2008

A 1990 OTA report on unconventional cancer treatments is the focus of this blog post.