Archive for the 'OTA report cited' Category

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Boycott of the American Cancer Society

This is a repost from the Action Pa web site | March 14, 2008

In an article about cancer treatments and the American Cancer Society, this 1990 OTA report on unconventional cancer treatments is cited.

Why Dealing With Climate Change Won’t Bankrupt Us

By Marianne Lavelle | US News and World Report, Beyond the Barrel blog | March 13, 2008

Ms. Lavalle discusses cost estimates associated with policies to mitigate climate change. She references a “long forgotten study” by OTA and mentions how it’s hard to find the reports online. Don’t worry- we’re working to change that!

Biomass The Only Renewable Fuel

By Casey McConnell | Qi BioEnergy Blog | posted March 10, 2008

This author is promoting energy produced from biomass (in particular, energy produced by his company). He sites this 1980 OTA report in his article about the potential of this type of fuel.

Invading armies, travelling on your belly

By Kate Wing | February 22, 2008 | NRDC Switchboard

Kate Wing discusses unintentional species invasions. Along the way, she reminisces about OTA- “I’ve dug out my well-worn copy of “Harmful non-indigenous species in the U.S.” from my thesis work. Ah, the old Office of Technology Assessment. Sure would be handy to have a non-partisan agency using science to look at technologies these days, but I digress.”

A nuclear-free mirage

By Dilip Hiro | February 7, 2008 | comment is free- The Guardian Unlimited

A 1993 OTA report on the proliferation of WMD capabilities gets mentioned in this article.

Top Five Animal Care Stocks | By James Altucher | January 22, 2008

This article suggests some top animal care stocks for investors. An OTA report (does anyone know what the reference might be?) is cited that claims that animal farm care costs are $25 billion/year and rising.