Oil shale debate becomes a ‘chicken-or-the-egg’ question

By Nick Snow | Oil and Gas Journal | May 19, 2008

Oil shale technology was the main topic of a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing held on May 15. Mr. Snow summarizes the highlights of the hearing, which focused on legislation, environmental issues, and water and energy inputs required to produce and extract oil from oil shale deposits in the western U.S. According to the article Steve Smith, assistant regional director of the Wilderness Society, cited this 1980 OTA report in his testimony.

Blood Transfusions May Have Killed Millions

By Jon Barron | www.keithconnectsthedots.com | May 12, 2008

The author discusses recent research on the efficacy of blood transfusions. This 1978 OTA report on the usefulness and safety of medical technologies is among the cited material.

Searching to reduce global warming

By Gov. Russell W. Peterson | Delaware Online | May 13, 2008

The author, a former governor of Delaware and Director of the OTA, argues in favor of alternative energy projects in the state.

Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans for Asymptomatic Patients: Role in Medical Screening

By Ricardo J. Komotar, MD; Robert M. Starke, BS; AND E. Sander Connolly, MD | Mayo Clinic Proceedings | Accessed at www.redorbit.com | May 3, 2008

The authors describe using MRIs to screen patients for diseases of the brain. They say, “The current trend in medicine toward prevention and early diagnosis will continue to improve medical practice. Discovering underlying pathology before overt manifestations has been emphasized to improve cost-effectiveness and reduce morbidity and mortality. Yet for a screening program to be of value to society, it must be applied in the proper context.”

For the full report, click here. A 1984 OTA report on “Medical Technology and Costs of the Medicare Program” is listed among the references.

Polygraph Tests

Rumination’s blog | April 27, 2008

The author cites this 1983 OTA report in his discussion of the reliability of polygraph tests. Read the full post here.

The Most Powerful People in America

thepeoplevoice.org | By Joel Hirschhorn | April 26, 2008

The author, a former senior official at OTA, urges the American public to use “the power of the purse” to initiate change. See the full post here.